Monday, April 5, 2010

Mr. McGregor

While prepping the herb bed, I discovered a rabbit's nest.  With two baby bunnies in it.  They are living directly under the chives. I don't know if this adds to my moral dilemma (which is:  keep them where they are and sacrifice a bunch of my plants to their rapacious appetites or move the nest and hope the babies survive in some new, far away location), but I found the rabbits on Easter.

Suppose I will need to consult the three year old.  Feel pretty sure that he will insist we keep them.

So long to my early crops.  Bon appetite Peter Rabbit.


I'd love to hear what you think we should do about the nest.  Please comment!


  1. so, you're basically trying to balance the almost certain destruction of your garden against the probable (but not certain) death of the bunnies if you move their "nest". also, keep in mind that rabbits are notoriously prolific breeders.

    here's what i would do:

    a) don't tell the 3-year old about the bunnies. seems to me that it's best he not know...and he's obviously too young to appreciate the pragmatic issues at hand

    b) try to find a suitable alternate location for the bunnies, move them there and hope for the best

    c) do whatever you can to rabbit-proof your garden area to prevent future incursions.

    alternately...could you bring the bunnies into the house and raise them as pets?

  2. I told Mark I felt like Jocasta - maybe if I just put the bunnies on a mountainside, fate will take care of them... It's not really murder if you don't do the actual killing, right? But maybe fate will deal me a horrible greek tragedy instead. Sort of like a Starz Bunny 30 second short of Oedipus Rex.
